Wednesday 20 June 2018

Carlton Marsh 19/6/18

Last nights mothing session with Chris Parkin produced 33 species (28 macro). It was a beautiful very mild night. A Bittern flew over at 22.50hrs giving the 'Gull-like call' three times at intervals, not every few seconds like they do when they are leaving the area after wintering. Nearer to midnight a Redshank called from the wader scrape and a Lapwing from the nearby fields. When we left at 01.20hrs a Reed Warbler and a Grasshopper Warbler were still singing good and loud.
The moths caught included Elephant and Poplar Hawk, Peppered Moth, Beautiful Hook tip (2) Brown Rustic, Fan Foot, Marbled White Spot (2) and Short Cloaked.

 Common Emerald CG
 Buff Arches CG
 Light Emerald CG
 Sallow Kitten CG
Shoulder Striped Wainscot CG
This morning (20/6/18)
A drake Pochard was on the scrape (Keith Bannister)

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