Saturday 30 June 2018

Wintersett 30.06.18

14 - 23 degrees with 0/8 cloud and a cool north easterly breeze.
Anglers CP: A Red Kite flew through south over Santingley mid morning.   4 Common Terns here and then over to WRes.
Wintersett Res: 2 male Cetti's Warblers were singing - west bank and ruin.
46 Birds were ringed this morning, including: 10 Blackcap,   1 Whitethroat,  1 Lesser Whitethroat,  4 Garden Warbler,   7 Reed Warbler,   6 Chiffchaff and  1 Coal Tit.  Worryingly, not a single Willow Warbler  was trapped and ringed!
Lepidoptera:  A Lunar Hornet Moth was on a net at WRes at 09.50hrs.

                                          Lunar Hornet Moth            WRes         RBail

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