Sunday 15 July 2018

Carlton Marsh

A nice surprise today, a 1st summer Iceland Gull! It came onto the Wader Scrape at 12.09hrs and was still present when I left at 14.30hrs. It was a site tick for Keith Bannister, Jim Plant, Dave Standish and Chris Parkin. Jim was on a roll having seen the Audouins Gull at Sheffield yesterday and the Greater Sand Plover at the coast this morning.
Also present 35 LBB Gulls, 20 Herring Gulls, Coal Tit singing, Lesser Whitethroat singing and Willow Tit 2 + 2 calling
All photographs of Iceland Gull by Dave Standish

Butterflies included 20 peacock, 6 Comma, 1 Holly Blue, 2 Purple Hairstreak and 2 Red Admiral.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Cliff! Great to christen the scrape with a proper rarity. Didn't predict a July Iceland gull though. Must be the first true summer record for the area?


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