Wednesday 8 August 2018

Carlton Marsh

I only got as far as the wader scrape today. Present were 9 Lapwings, 4 Teal, 8 Greylags, 5 LBB Gulls, 4 Herring Gulls, c 120 BH Gulls and a Juv. Med Gull from 14.10hrs to 15.00hrs when most of the gulls left north. This is almost certainly the same un-ringed bird, which has now been seen on 6 dates since July 27th. A Willow Tit called and a Green Woodpecker flew over.

Juvenile Mediterranean Gull (CG)

All the Swifts at the Beech Avenue/Park Avenue colony have gone. The last 4 were seen yesterday.(Geoff Miller)

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