Sunday 12 August 2018

Wintersett 12.08.18

14 - 18 degrees, humid,  with 8/8 cloud and rain until 10.00hrs.  Dry with a southerly breeze.
Anglers CP:   A juvenile Black-necked Grebe was on the shallows early doors, still present late morning.  Common Tern 7.  Swift 2,  Pochard 1.  Tufted Duck 4 small young without the female + adult and 3 small young CHRes..   A Yellow Wagtail flew over.  Sand Martin 30.  A juvenile Hobby was unsuccesful in attempts to take a Sand Martin early this evening.
Wintersett Res: A Ruff flew over south at 11.13hrs, then flew over and around ACP, before leaving north at 11.17hrs.  Mallard 9 fl y + 8 fl young WRes. + 3m y + 3  fl young CHRes..
Cold Hiendley: Barn Owl 1.  Tawny Owl 1.  A brood of Cetti's Warbler were on the north bank.
Lepidoptera: Meadow Brown 1.

                     Juvenile Black-necked Grebe   ACP            SDenny

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