Saturday 18 August 2018

Wintersett 18.08.18

19 - 22 degrees with sun and scattered cloud and a warm south westerly wind.
Anglers CP: Swift 2.  Teal 2.  Cormorant 7  + 7 west.  Pochard 3.  Redshank 1  + 3 flew west.  Common Tern 2.   A juvenile Hobby was hunting House Martins.
Moorhouse Lane Area:  @paulevans1200  had a Cream- crowned Marsh Harrier briefly. 
Pits Wood: Nuthatch 2.
Lepidoptera: A Small Copper was on the north east bank WRes..  A Small Heath,  a Common Blue and a Holly Blue were at MLane Ponds.
Odonata: A male Common Hawker was on the east bank WRes..
33 birds were ringed this morning: Highlights were - 9 Blackcap,  3 Reed Warbler   1 Garden Warbler,   11  Chiffchaff and  5 Willow Warbler.

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