Friday 31 August 2018

Wintersett + VisMig 31.08.18

14 - 19 degrees,  sunny with high cloud and a light south easterly.
Anglers CP Vis. Mig. A Black-tailed Godwit flew south.  8 Curlew flew south west at 09.10hrs, and returned ar 11.45hrs.  Shelduck 1.  A Raven  circled over high west,  then left high west at 11.45hrs.
Anglers CP:  Swift 3.  Shoveler 25.  Mallard 109.  Teal 35.   Little Egret 1. Cormorant 26 + 6 east.  A Peregrine flew over at 10.35hrs.  Spotted Flycatcher 1.
Haw Park Wood: Hobby 1.  
Wintersett Res: Arctic Tern 1 juvenile. 

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