Sunday 16 September 2018

Wintersett, Sunday 16th September

A much stronger south-westerly wind than yesterday although the predicted rain failed to materialise.

The Black Tern remains on the CP as does the Garganey on the shallows. An influx of Great Crested Grebes onto the park lake with 65 on here and a further 13 on the res. Cormorants are also clearly finding the feeding good with 67 present.
Two juvenile Hobbies were clearly liking the windy conditions and were on view for much of the day, particularly around the Top Res.

Vis-mig - the whole morning was spent counting south bound migrants although it was slow going much of the time;- Pink-footed Goose 20 flew west, Ringed Plover 1, Dunlin 2 singles, Common Snipe 8 west, Swift 1, Wheatear 1, Meadow Pipit 112, House Martin 875, Sand Martin 2, Swallow 34, Starling 99.

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