Saturday 1 September 2018

Wintersett + VisMig 01.09.18

17 - 20 degrees with  2/8 cloud and a vey light south westerly.
Anglers CPVis.Mig: A male Cape Shelduck and a female Ruddy Shelduck flew in to the shallows at 09.00hrs.  Cormorant 8 SW + 6NE.    
Going south: Little Egret 1.  Grey Wagtail 3.  Sand Martin 19.  Swallow 161.  Meadow Pipit 1. Greenfinch 4.   Grey Wagtail 3.  
Anglers CP:  Common Tern 1 adult + 1 juvenile.  A Nuthatch was on the car park feeders. 
Wigeon 11.  Shoveler 31.  Teal 19.    Little Egret 2.  Swift 3.  Snipe 1.  Hobby 1 juvenile.  Little Grebe 4.  Herring Gull 30.  Cormorant 21. 
Wintersett Res:  Kingfisher 1.
57 Birds were ringed: Highlights were -  16 Blackcap.  1 Garden Warbler.  Chiffchaff 17.  Willow Warbler 2.  Reed Warbler 2.
Odonata:  Brown Hawker 1 NE corner WRes.
Here's a great selction of the Cape and Ruddy Shelduck on Anglers CP All taken by Chris Swaine.

 Cape Shelduck and a female Ruddy Shelduck 
ACP  Chris Swaine
Cape Shelduck             ACP           CSwaine
Ruddy Shelduck                 ACP  CSwaine

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