Sunday 2 September 2018

Wintersett + VisMig 02.09.18

18 - 24 degrees,  with sun and a very light southerly.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: Golden Plover 1 over. .  Siskin 3 east.  Curlew 1 south west.  
Going south:  Sand Martin 7.  Yellow Wagtail 2.  
Anglers CP: Snipe 2.  Common Tern 1 adult + 2 juveniles.  Swift 1.  Little Egret 1.  Herring Gull 44.  Great Black-backed Gull 1.  Teal 25. 
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 1 boathouse.
Lepidoptera: A Comma, a Peacock  and a Small White were on Botany  old railwayA Large White and a Red Admiral were on Disposal Point. 
WRes.: A Common Darter on north bank, a Blue-tailed Damselfly and a female Common Blue Damselfly west bank.   
MLPond:  A male Darter and 2 Common Blue Damselfly.  
ACP: Small Copper.

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