Sunday 14 October 2018

Old Moor Sofa

An update on the number of species recorded in the Old Moor Area this year, at the end of July the total was 165.

A further three species were added in August as follows - Spotted Flycatcher on 14th (166), Dipper on 25th (167) and Spotted Redshank also on 25th (168).

At the end of August 2015 the total was 158 therefore we are a further ten species better off this year.

A further 16 species were seen up to the end of August in 2015 and 2016 but not seen this year - Red Necked Grebe, Egyptian Goose, Bean Goose, Little Bittern, Night Heron, American Wigeon, Red Crested Pochard, Red Footed Falcon, Turnstone, Curlew Sandpiper, Laughing Gull, Gull Billed Tern, Long Eared Owl, Alpine Swift, Redstart, Rock Pipit.

As with June and July the hot weather continued into August and few new species were added to the annual total, however a juvenile Dipper found on the River Dearne on 25th by the Five Arches was a nice surprise and provided a great opportunity for many birders to add it to their "Wath" lists. The Dipper stayed until 15th September and is only the second record for the area. Still no Turnstone on the year list.

For comparison some other inland sites totals are as follows:- Swillington Ings, West Yorkshire 170, Upton Warren, Worcestershire 138 and Potteric Carr, South Yorkshire 153.

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