Wednesday 3 October 2018

Wintersett 03.10.18

11 - 14 degrees with sun, scattered cloud and a  south westerly wind.
Disposal Point: A TWITE flew over south at 07.30hrs.
Anglers CP: House Martin 2 + 5 Wintersett Village.   Chiffchaff  1 + 1 Botany + 2 WRes - south west + west bank.  Swallow 3 south.  Redpoll 1.  Cetti's Warbler 1 male singing in the south west corner.  Redpoll 1.   Little Egret 1. Little Grebe 3 + 6 WRes..  Cormorant 67 + 7 WRes..  Water Rail 1 south west corner.  Greylag Goose 36.
Wintersett Res: Canada Goose 7.  Willow Tit 1 south east corner.  A Reed Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.
Odonata: Migrant Hawker 1 Botany. 

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