Thursday 25 October 2018

Wintersett - 3 MEGAS for Pete Smith 25.10.18

9 - 12 degrees with sun,  1/8 cloud and a cold westerly wind.
Anglers CP:  The first mega find for Pete Smith was a Woodlark, heard calling as it flew over west at 09.15hrs.  Surrounded by trees, he could not get any views.  The second was a Slavonian Grebe,  not seen here since one on October 13th 2012!   Brambling 2 west.  Chiffchaff 1 SW corner.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  Goosander 1.  Teal 21.
Haw Park Wood: 3 Crossbills seen by Steve Denny this morning, led Pete Smith to return to the wood this afternoon.  As he was scanning, he heard, then saw his third mega for the day!  A skein of 28 White -fronted Geese, going west overhead at 14.50 hrs.  These birds were then picked up at 15.15hrs, by Nick Mallinson, still going west over Denby Delph and Sovereign at 15.15,  viewed from Piper Wells Road,  and being watched from Oldfield by Dave Pennington, and still going west!
Pete described the geese as having prominent and extensive black patches on the belly, indicating that these were Greenland race birds, reorientating to their wintering grounds on the west coast or in Ireland, after being drifted in to the North Sea, due to strong west to north westerly winds between Iceland and Scotland.  
Cold Hiendley Res: The juvenile drake Scaup  is still present.
Wintersett Res: A Water Rail was in the boathouse reeds.
Lepidoptera: Speckled Wood 1 HPWood + 1  boathouse reeds WRes..
Slavonian Grebe                     ACP  CSwaine
Slavonian Grebe        ACP    RMarshall
Slavonian Grebe        ACP    RMarshall
What a fantastic day! 

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