Friday 26 October 2018

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. 26.10.18

6 - 8 degrees with cloud increasing to 8/8 by mid morning and a very cold north westerly wind.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig:  08.00hrs - 10.00hrs
Going south west: Fieldfare 326.  Wood Pigeon 600.
Going west: Redwing 26.  Starling 40.  Chaffinch 10.
Going east: Pink-footed Goose  Total 349 in 3 skeins (117  at 09.20hrs + 102 at 09.35hrs + 130 at 09.37hrs).
Anglers CP: No sign of Slavonian Grebe today.   Pink-footed Goose 1.
Wintersett Res: A male Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 1.  Siskin 4.
Cold Hiendley Res: Juvenile male Scaup still present.  Goldeneye 5 + 4 WRes. + 1 ACP.

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