Sunday 4 November 2018

Wintersett + VisMig. 04.11.18

6 - 10 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a light southerly.
AnglersCP VisMig: 
Going south : Great Spotted Woodpecker 1.  Jackdaw 288.  Rook 56.  Carrion Crow 20.  Lesser Redpoll 9Siskin 16. 
Going south west: Snipe 4.  Stock Dove 7.  Fieldfare 399.  Redwing 249. Meadow Pipit 5. Chaffinch 20. Goldfinch 14.
Going west:Yellow-hammer 1+ 1 south east.
Going northwest:
Going north east:  Pink-footed Goose 11.  
Anglers CP:  Common Scoter 2 immature females.  Water Rail 1 south west corner. Grey Heron 12.  Pochard 33 + 22CHRes..  Teal 9 + 3 CHRes..   Yellow-legged Gull 1 3rd winter.
Haw Park Wood: Siskin 1.
Cold Hiendley Res:  Scaup 1 juvenile drake - been here for 2 weeks nowPochard 22.  Teal 3.  Goldeneye 14.   
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 3 - 1 boathouse reeds + 1 west bank + 1 south east corner.  Water Rail 1 north bank.  Siskin 13 over.  Goldeneye 24 + 12 ACP..  Shoveler 16 + 3 ACP. 
Odonata: Southern Hawker 1 HPWood. 

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