Thursday 3 January 2019

Carlton Marsh

On the wader scrape 32 Herring Gulls, 1 Common Gull and 17 Lapwing (Richard Laverack)

On my last ringing session with Vivien Hartwell, before she goes home, we didn't see any Willow Tits, but a female Kingfisher made up for it. Another bird, presumably a male, was dashing around the scrape at the same time. This is the 12th Kingfisher caught here in the last 3 years.

Coal Tit (Photos by Vivien Hartwell)
c75 Pink Feet Geese flew north over my home on the Newtown estate at 13.40hrs. (CG)

Worsborough Bridge
3 Waxwings were seen on William Street today (Andrew Corrall - Postman).

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