Friday 1 February 2019

Barnsley Ringing Group

It is with some regret that I have decided to retire as secretary of the Barnsley Ringing Group - a position I have held since January 1979 (a period of forty years).
Additionally I will no longer be holding a Ringing Licence, a decision I have not taken lightly.
A greater lack of mobility over the last couple of years has led to the erecting of mist-nets and climbing ladders (to nest-boxes) a painful and sometimes an almost impossible task.
Birding will continue as usual.
Martin Wells
1st February 2019.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry that are struggling Martin, you have served us well for along time. None of us are getting any younger and the day will come when I will have to hang my pliers up, but hopefully not for a little while yet. Thankyou and good luck.


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