Tuesday 26 February 2019

Carlton Marsh

This has to be the sunniest, warmest, driest February on record! Having said that 1998 was extremely warm and dry with a maximum in my Cudworth garden of 18c on 13th and 14th of February that year. Today's temperature equalled that at exactly at 18c.

30 moths were caught at Carlton last night they included Grey Shoulder Knot, March Moth, 21 Common Quaker, 4 Powdered Quaker and 2 Clouded Drab (Dave Smith).

Today at the reserve, an Oystercatcher alighted briefly before heading south at 11.30hrs (Jim Plant).
A 'Kettle' of 9 Buzzards in the air was a new record for this site (Keith Bannister). They gradually drifted north towards Royston.

This afternoon there were 78 Herring Gulls, 240 B.H.Gulls  and 4 Common Gulls  on the wader scrape. A Goldcrest was singing in the car park, 10 Reed Buntings were singing from the reed beds and a charm of c70 Goldfinches were calling and singing very excitedly.
At dusk 20 Redwings came in to roost and male and female Tawny Owls called as a Pipistrelle emerged, the first this year. (Dave Smith/Dave Standish/Rod Heeley)

Meanwhile in the Dearne Valley (Cudworth to|Storrs Mill Wood) birds included 2 Buzzards, 2 Grey Wagtails, 17 Pied Wagtails, Treecreeper and 8 Redwings.
5 male Brimstone, 3 Peacock, 4 Small Tortoiseshell and 4 Comma were all enjoying the sunshine (Chris Parkin).

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