Sunday 10 February 2019

Wilthorpe Marsh pm., Silkstone wagonway / Cawthorne am.

Wilthorpe Marsh, - New in was an Oystercatcher and c 300 BH Gulls mostly down and preening in the sun with some on the sewage farm which also had a colybita Chiffchaff and a Willow Tit. Wintering birds still present, 2 Water Pipits, 30 Meadow Pipits, Green Sand 1 and J Snipe 1. Silkstone wagonway had Dipper showing well on dyke rear of sewage farm, c 300 Woodpigeon, 3 C Buzzards together over hugset wood. The usual fields e of barnby hall had c 100 Lapwing and c 25 Golden Plover down + 3 RL Partridge. Distant low gliding raptor towards silkstone was thought to have been a Red Kite but no further sign.

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