Monday 6 May 2019

Carlton Marsh

New in to the wader scrape 2 pairs of Shelduck (Jim Plant). Also present Canada Goose with 6 goslings. Greylag with 10 goslings, 6 LBB Gull, Herring Gull 1. 

A Gadwall with 3 new young was on the main scrape and a Water Rail was singing in the reed beds. A Garden Warbler was singing near the hide (CG).

This evening a Little Ringed Plover was on the wader scrape with 4 Swallows (Dave Standish).

A Dog Fox took a Greylag gosling.

South Kirkby Reclaimed Tip Area
Iberian Chiffchaff and Cuckoo.
Butterflies this morning included 1 male Brimstone, 1 Dingy Skipper and 1 Small Copper (Les Corrall/Ralph Hibbert).

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