Friday 3 May 2019

Wintersett and South Kirkby 03.05.19

5 - 8 degrees with 8/8 cloud, light rain most of the morning and a cold north easterly.
Anglers CP:  Arctic Tern 2 + 1 WRes.. Snipe 1.  Teal 3m + 3f..  Wigeon 1m.  Pochard 1f.  Cormorant 5 + 1 WRes..  Canada Goose  6 very small young.
Pits Wood: Goldcrest 1.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 13.  Goldeneye 1 f.   
In the area late afternoon: Swallow 250.  House Martin 120.  Swift 200. Sand Martin 20.
South Kirkby per Jono Leadley  @BirdingDad
The male Iberian Chiffchaff was still singing near South Kirby late afternoon; park at end of Carr Lane and walk under railway and bird is on the hillside c.100m ahead.
Of interest  (to some):  The Tour de Yorkshire Cycle Races passed through the area today.

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