Wednesday 1 May 2019

Wintersett + Ringing + South Kirkby 01.05.19

8 - 12 degrees with sunny spells, but increasing cloud and a light westerly.
Anglers CP: A Raven flew over west at 18.35hrs.   
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 7.  A male Yellow Wagtail was in the west bank field.  On the west bank 1m + 1f Grasshopper Warbler, 6m Sedge Warbler and 2m + 1f Cetti's Warbler + 1m boathouse reeds + 1m south east corner.   Goldeneye 1f.  Mallard 11 vs young.  The first Longtailed Tit fledgling was in the boathouse reeds.  A 2nd summer Little Gull was found at 18.40hrs.  It flew over to ACP and returned shortly after. 
13 Birds were ringed this morning: Male and female Grasshopper Warbler.  2 Black Cap.  2 Sedge Warbler.  1 Whitethroat.  1 Willow Warbler.  1 Chiffchaff.  1 juvenile Blackbird (1st of the year).  2m and 1f Cetti's Warblers were retrapped.

South Kirkby: The Iberian Chiffchaff was reported this morning by @jamesmglen76

Fledgling Long-tailed Tit        Boathouse reeds WRes    ASmit

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