Sunday 5 May 2019

Wintersett + South Kirkby 05.05.19

7 - 10 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a cool north westerly.
Anglers CP:  3 Mallard broods - 13 vs + 8 vs + 7vs.  Wigeon 1m.  Pochard 2m  + 1 m.  Teal 2m + 2f.  Oystercatcher 6.  Lesser Whitethroat 1m east bank hedge.  Curlew 1 in fields. 
Cold Hiendley +  SW: Yellow Wagtail 2m.    Red-legged Partridge 2.  
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 9. 
Also  -  2 Grey Partridge were in the area.

South Kirkby:  The Iberian Chiffchaff still singing and showing well.  The Ferruginous Duck returned to Carr Lane Pond from Bretton Hall Lake.

3 shots of  Garden Warbler really going for it  this morning -   Paul Meredith @Fitzybirder

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