Friday 19 July 2019

Carlton Marsh

A walk around this afternoon saw a juv. Grey Wagtail on the main scrape and a juv Garganey (the first for 4 years) on the wader scrape. Also of note 2 Kingfishers, Little Egret, Teal, 6 LBB Gulls and 200+ BH. Gulls (one with a white Darvic ring (right leg) and one with a BTO ring. 6 Lapwing, 2 Jays and at least 2 Willow Tits calling amongst a Tit flock.
Despite the rain a Clouded Border morth was active.

 Juv Garganey
 A daily visitor to the wader scrape
 Red-tailed Bumble Bee (I think)
Darvic-ringed BH Gull

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