Monday 29 July 2019

Carlton Marsh

This morning on the wader scrape Little Egret, 15 House Martins, 20 Swifts and 1 Sand Martin. c60 Goldfinches were feeding on thistle and Willow Tit and Treecreeper called. Our resident Buzzards were in the air with a juvenile and a juv. Grey Wagtail alighted briefly on the Kingfisher perch. (Dave Smith)

This afternoon a Water Rail called from the main marsh and 4 LBB Gulls were on the wader scrape. Also here 1 Emperor male dragonfly and 3 male Black-tailed Skimmers one in tandem with a female (CG).

A new brood of Painted Ladies were enjoying the sunshine, most of them feeding on Greater Knapweed. I counted 5 in the northern meadow and 11 in the southern meadow. However, Chris Parkin had already counted 37 along the embankment and western Meadow. He also encountered 155 Peacock, 10 Comma, 4 Red Admiral, 153 Meadow Brown, 22 Ringlet, 102 Gatekeeper, 1 Small Copper, 1 Brown Argus, 15 Large White, and 17 Speckled Wood.

In addition I had a Ruddy Darter, c20 Emerald Damsel, 1 Silver Y moth and 3 Six Spot Burnet moths. 
Painted Lady (CG)

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