Monday 8 July 2019

Newtown estate, Cudworth (5th July 2019)

For all those interested in moths, one to watch for is Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth) in the Crambidae family. It is an Asian species that was accidentally introduced to Germany in 2006 and is now decimating Box trees/hedges across Europe. It was found in southern England in 2007/8 and is moving north. 
I thought it was the American Melon Worm Moth, a very similar species, but H. E. Beaumont confirmed it was  Box Tree Moth. I don't think you will find either in your books, its that new! 
There were 4 previous Yorkshire records, the first in 2014 then 3 widely separated ones in 2017, but none in 2018 according to HEB.

Cydalima perspectalis (Box Tree Moth) (CG)

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