Wednesday 3 July 2019

Wintersett + Insects + Pics 03.07.19

15 - 20 degrees with sun and varying cloud with a light south easterly.

Anglers CP: Black Tailed Godwit 3 adults on the shallows.  Oystecatcher 4.  Common Sandpiper 1. 
Wintersett Res: Pochard 2 male + 1 male ACP.   Goldeneye 2 1st summer males + 1 female.   Mallard 3 fledged young.  Little Grebe 2 + 1 male Botany 13.45hrs + a juvenile MLSkimmerPond. 76 Birds were ringed this morning: Highlights were:
2 juvenile, female Cetti's Warblers were ringed by Archie this morning.  Sedge Warbler 1.  Reed Warbler 1.  Blackcap 7.  Garden Warbler 2.  Whitethroat 2.  Chiffchaff 20.  Willow Warbler 13.  Goldfinch 2.
Lepidoptera: Brimstone 1 male ACP.  Small Skipper 1 Disposal Point.
Odonata: Banded Demoiselle 1 male flew NW from boathouse reeds + another male at MLPond 15.05hrs. Emerald Damselfly 1 Disposal Point. 

Juvenile, female Cetti's Warbler               WRes.      SDenny

    Emperor female ovipositing      WRes     ASmith
Black Tailed Godwit 3 adults     ACP shallows   ASmith   03.07.19

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