Sunday 14 July 2019

Wintersett Weekend + Ringing + Insects + Pics 13.07.19 and 14.07.19

 SATURDAY 13.07.19
13 to 19 degrees, mainly cloudy with a light northerly.
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1.  Oystercatcher 2.  A Curlew flew west at 11.02 hrs.   Lapwing 152 0n the shallows.
Wintersett Res: Great Crested Grebe 22 + 12 ACP + 2 CHRes..  Pochard 2.  Goldeneye 3.
Cold Hiendley Res: Tufted Duck 116.
Haw Park Wood: Nuthatch 1 + 1 in Willow Wood, WRes..
48 birds were ringed: Highlights were:- 17 Willow Warbler.  15 Chiffchaff.  7 Blackcap. 1 Whitethroat  and 3 Reed Warbler.
Insects: A Lunar Hornet Moth  was on the Pol ACP.  15+ Purple Hairstreak butterflies were flying over oaks on Haw Park Lane early evening.    2 Ichneumons were photographed at WRes.  Any Help with ID appreciated.

Possibly    Diphyus quadripunctorius  WRes.  PMeredith
Possibly   Ichneumon sarcitorius   WRes.  PMeredith
SUNDAY 14.07.19
14 - 19 degrees,  cloudy with hazy,  sunny spells and a light north westerly.
Anglers CP: An adult and a juvenile Black-necked Grebe were off the east bank.

Wintersett Res: Kingfisher 1.  Goldeneye 3.  Oystercatcher 2.
Moorhouse Lane Ponds: A Yellow Wagtail flew over, calling.  A Great Crested Grebe with a 2nd brood of 3 small young  + 1 large young from the 1st brood. 
40 Birds were ringed: Willow Warbler 6.  Chiffchaff 13.  Blackcap 5.  Whitethroat 4.  Lesser Whitethroat 1.  Reed Warbler 7.  Goldcrest 1.
Insects: 2 Lunar Hornet Moths on west bank WRes.

Juvenile and adult Black-necked Grebe      ACP  PMeredith
              Adult Black-necked Grebe      ACP      SDenny
Juvenile Black-necked Grebe      ACP      SDenny
A Sedge Warbler hopping around on the shore, taking flies    ACP   PMeredith

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