Saturday 10 August 2019

Carlton Marsh

A Green Sandpiper, Little Egret and a Kingfisher were on the wader scrape at 06.40hrs (Keith Bannister).
The Green Sandpiper had left by the time Dave Smith arrived. Duck numbers are increasing now Gadwall 39, Mallard 40, Tufted Duck 9, Coot 22.

Shortly after I arrived at the wader scrape a Greenshank and a Green Sandpiper came in at 10.55hrs. The Sandpiper left north at 11.05hrs and the Greenshank left south at 11.08hrs (CG)

Greenshank and Green Sandpiper 

A Baltic Gull - type and 2 Yellow - legged Gulls (a juv. and a 4cy) were seen at the glass recycling centre on the Carlton Industrial estate this morning (Daniel Langston).

A group of about 20 people from the British Naturalists Society visited the reserve today.

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