Saturday 3 August 2019

Carlton Marsh

On the wader scrape this morning Little Egret, 11 LBB Gulls and c150 BH Gulls. A Willow Tit and a Coal Tit called from this area. The juv Buzzard continued to call to the adults and 2 Kingfishers were vying for a place on the Kingfisher branch in front of the hide. 50+ House Sparrows in a nearby barley field was the highest number for years. (Dave Smith/Jim Plant)

A kaleidoscope of butterflies at mid-day included 41 Painted Lady, 262 Peacock, 17 Gatekeeper, 19 Speckled Wood, 9 Comma, 7 Large White, 10 Green Veined White, 15 Small White, and a new brood of 2m & 1f Brimstone, but only 3 Red Admiral.

Female Brimstone (CG) 
Also of interest 3m Banded Demoiselle, 1f Emperor, ovipositing, 6m Ruddy Darter and several Emerald Damselfly.

The highlight today though was the discovery of our first ever Hornet Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria). I believe this is also new for the Barnsley recording area. I am sure Mr. Coldwell will correct me if I am wrong! It may even be a migrant. I apologise for the poor quality of the phone camera, but at least its a record shot. (CG)

 Hornet Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria) (CG)
Another view (CG)

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