Sunday 25 August 2019

Ewden valley 25/8/19. G. and J Wasse, S Green.

Nine species of raptor with an Osprey over ewden height and towards broomhead res just after midday. Marsh Harrier 1 cc. over ewden height and lost to view, Goshawk from ewden height, up the valley and away west. Red Kite 1, Sparrowhawk 2, C Buzzard 6+, Hobby 2 regular hunting insects, Peregrine 2, and 5 Kestrels. Raven 4, Stonechat 4, Spotted Flycatcher 2 probably 3, LBB GULL 20 s., Curlew flock 15+ w., with 1 calling Whimbrel. Meadow Pipit c40 south with a similar number of Swallows moving with a few House Martins.

1 comment:

  1. I got cc marsh harrier near Dunford bridge about 2pm.also merlin peregrine and 4 ravens at least


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