Monday 19 August 2019

Wintersett 19.08.19

14 - 18 degrees with sun, scattered cloud and a moderate south westerly wind.
Anglers CP: The Whinchat is still present in the east bank meadow.  A Yellow Wagtail went south.  Common Sandpiper 1.  Shoveler 3.  Swift 10.  Pochard 14 + 2 WRes.  Cormorant 15 + 2 WRes + 1 CHRes..
Walton Hall: An Osprey was fishing briefly,  before drifting west at 10.05hrs.  Hobby 1.  Great Crested Grebe 2 large young.  Mute Swan 5 large/medium young. 
Wintersett Res:  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult (Psycho).  Goldeneye 3 +1 CHRes..  Common Tern 22.
Lepidoptera: A Green-veined White was seen Willow Wood,  WRes..

                              Whinchat      East meadow ACP    SDenny

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