Monday 5 August 2019

Wintersett + Insects 05.08.19

16 - 19 degrees with sun, scattered cloud and a moderate south westerly.
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1.  Snipe 1.  Cormorant 3. Yellow Wagtail 3.  Lapwing 366.   Common Gull 1 adult.  Sand Martin 60 south west.  6 Swift were over Santingley.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 20.  Psycho, the adult Yellow-legged Gull. 
MLBigPond: Great Crested Grebe 2 small/medium young.   Little Grebe Young.  2 small + 2 Small + 2 small.     Tufted Duck 7 medium young. 
Lepidoptera: A Small Copper, a Comma and 10 Green-veined White were on Botany old railway path.   A Meadow Brown was on MLBigPond. 
Odonata: MLBigPond - Small Red-eyed Damselfly 1 male - the first for this site. Emerald Damselfly 1.  Azure Damselfly 1 male.   Four-spotted Chaser 1.  Emperor 1 male.

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