Friday 23 August 2019

Wintersett +Ringing + Insects 23.08.19

18 - 23 degrees, very hot and humid, with 6/8 but diminishing cloud, and a light south westerly.
Anglers CP: A Spotted Flycatcher, a Male Redstart, 70 Linnet,  30 Goldfinch, 2 Lesser Whitethroat and  3 Willow Warbler were in the east bank meadow. A Black-tailed Godwit flew south at 08.05hrs..    71 Rooks were in the Pol field.  Grey wagtail 1.  Pochard 16 + 2 WRes. + 2 CHRes.. Shoveler 6 + 4 CHRes.. Little Grebe 7 + 5 CHRes.  Teal 2.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 16.  Goldeneye 4 + 1 CHRes..  Water Rail 1west bank.
Cold Hiendley:  A Merlin flew south this morning, and it, or another,  went south west over Wintersett Res. at 20.10hrs..  Gadwall 42. Cormorant 4.  A juvenile Peregrine flew over. 
Haw Park Wood: Green Woodpecker 1 + 2 Golf Course.
75 birds were ringed today. Highlights were  16 Blackcap, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, 10 Reed Warbler,  29 Chiffchaff,  9 Willow Warbler,  1 Goldcrest and 5 Goldfinch.
Lepidoptera: A male Common Blue, A male Brimstone and a Brown Argus on Pol, ACP.  A Holly Blue HPLane.  Small Copper 1 west bank WRes..
Odonata: An Emperor and a Blue-tailed Damselfly at CHRes.. 

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