Saturday 17 August 2019

Wintersett + Ringing 17.08.19

14 - 19 degrees with sun,  variable cloud and a moderate south westerly.
Anglers CP:   2 Whimbrel flew over south at 06.15hrs.. A Goosander went south at 07.50hrs..   A Little Egret went south at 09.10hrs.  Pochard 9.
Disposal Point: Green Woodpecker 1.
31 birds were ringed this morning.  Highlights were: - 8 Blackcap,  2 Reed Warbler,   1 Sedge Warbler,   10 Chiffchaff,    6 Willow Warbler and  2 Tree Sparrow.
Lepidoptera:  A male Common Blue, a  Meadow Brown and a Peacock were on the Pol ACP.   A Purple Hairstreak was on Haw Park Lane.

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