Monday 26 August 2019

Wintersett + VisMig + Insects 26.08.19

21 - 28 degrees with 0/8 cloud,  extremely hot and sunny, with a very light south westerly.
Wintersett Res: A Grasshopper Warbler was at the ruin area west bank.  Blackcap 13.  Chiffchaff 12.  Willow Warbler 2.  Whitethroat 1
Anglers CP VisMig: )7.30 - 12.00hrs :
Going west: 3 Tree Pipit at 08.46hrs + 1 at 09.30hrs.  4 Meadow Pipit.
Going south : Chiffchaff 1.  Yellow Wagtail 2.   Common Gull 1.  Kestrel 1.
Going south west: Ringed Plover 1.  Teal 1.  Grey Wagtail 1. 
Anglers CP: 10 Pintail , 5 Wigeon and 3 Shoveler dropped in.  Kingfisher 1.   Common Sandpiper 1.  Teal 2 + 1 CHRes,,  Pochard 26.  A Nuthatch was calling in the Woodland Walk area , then later dropped on Pol   A Snipe flew in.
Lepidoptera:  A steady stream of butterflies throughout the morning,  most flying west.  63  Red Admiral. 18 Painted Lady.  3 Small Tortoiseshell.  1 Peacock 1.
Anglers CP: Brown Argus 1.
Moth trapping overnight highlights: The 2nd record Maiden's Blush ( 1st record was on 1st June 2019).  Twin-spotted Wainscot and  Angle-striped Sallow. Heath Rustic,  Brindled Green and Old Lady.

Maiden's Blush  2nd record for Wintersett    26.08.19       ASmith
             Twin-spotted Wainscot         26.08.19     ASmith

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