Sunday 1 September 2019

Wintersett + VisMig + Ringing 01.09.19

12 - 17 degrees with sunshine and a cool north westerly breeze.
 Anglers CP VisMig: Meadow Pipit 48 south.
Anglers CP: Swift 10 + 1 WRes..  Grey Wagtail 3 south.  Yellow Wagtail 2 south east.  Redshank 2, then left south.  Hobby 2. Common Sandpiper 2.   Dunlin 1.  Pochard 1 female in wing moult.
Goldfinch 310 (200 in village + 30 Santingley + 80 WRes.)
Linnet: 290 (30 in village + 250 Santingley +10 north bank WRes..)
Wintersett Res: Water Rail 1 west bank marsh.  Common Tern 2.  Great Crested Grebe 43 + 11 + 1  vsyoung CHRes.. Goldeneye 3 + 1 CHRes.  Pochard 10 + 84 ACP.  
Cold Hiendley Res: Shoveler 21 + 7 ACP. Tufted Duck 237 + 93 ACP.  Wigeon 5 + 1 ACP. Little Grebe 2 + 4 ACP + 5 WRes..
72 birds were ringed: Highlights were -  8 Blackcap,  28 Goldfinch,  2 Whitethroat,  5 Reed Warbler and 5 Chiffchaff.
Lepidoptera: Small Tortoiseshell 1 ACP.  Painted Lady 2 Santingley. 

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