Wednesday 2 October 2019

Wintersett + VisMig 02.10.19

3 - 13 degrees  with 0/8 cloud and a cold north westerly breeze.
Anglers CP VisMig. per Paul Meredith.
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 female type west..   RBM was once, more or less annual here, but these are the first for a few years. 
Barnacle Goose -  6 flew in from the south at 09.50hrs and spent 15 very flighty minutes aorund ACP, then left south.   Wild Barnacle Geese are rare here, the last being in similar conditions in early October 2011.  The 6 wild birds today would be from Svalbard, heading towards the Caerlaverock wintering grounds. They have been pushed south on the strong northerlies blowing over the North Sea. There was a record count of birds south over Fair Isle on 28.08.19 and birds moving south down the Yorshire coast on 01.10.19.
Pink-footed Goose-  409 (50 south east and  359 east). 
Going south: Cormorant 5. Swallow 51.  House Martin 20 (WRes).  Skylark 61  + 23 north,  Starling 7 high.  Mistle Thrush 4.  alba Wagtail  43.  Meadow Pipit 365.  Greenfinch 1.  Linnet 74.  Goldfinch  16.  Reed Bunting 12.  Skylark 61 + 23 north. 
Going west:  Snipe 1.  Redwing 6.
Wintersett Res:  21 Common Buzzard were up!   Siskin  1 west bank.  Blackcap 1 near boathouse. Goldeneye 4.  Chiffchaff 5 + 1 ACP
Cold Hiendley Res: Tufted Duck 247 + 25 ACP.   Whooper Swan 4 adults.
Haw Park: Hobby 1.
Lepidoptera in the area: Comma 5.  Red Admiral 6.  Small White 11.  Speckled Wood 4.  Brimstone 1.
Odonata: Migrant Hawker 30.  Common Darter 4.  Ruddy Darter 1.

        Barnacle Geese             ACP     PMeredith
Pink-footed  Geese           ACP  PMeredith

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