Saturday 5 October 2019

Wintersett + VisMig + Ringing 05.10.19

11 - 14 degrees, calm, with rolling low level fog all morning.
Anglers CP VisMig: per @Fitzybirder   Very very quiet!
Going south: alba Wagtail  3.   Meadow Pipit 7.  Swallow 1.
Going west: Skylark 24.  Redwing 57.  Chaffinch 7.
Anglers CP: Siskin 1 over.
Botany Bay: Kingfisher 1.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 3 singing males - north east bank, west bank and boathouse reeds.
76 Birds were ringed: Highlights were - Blackcap 1 male.  Chiffchaff 10.   Goldcrest 2.  Chaffinch 29.  Greenfinch 20.  Reed Bunting 3. 
Odonata:  Migrant Hawker 3 Pol  + 1 WRes.
Lepidoptera: Comma 1 WRes. bench.  Small White 1 Pol. 

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