Monday 21 October 2019

Wintersett + VisMig 21.10.19

8 - 11 degrees, with 7/8 cloud, a couple of light drizzle showers, and a cold north west to northerly wind.
Anglers CP VisMig: 07.30 - 11.30hrs +  15.45 - 17.15hrs.
Highlight and a record Autumn Movement  of 85 Whooper Swans  east!
(21 at 08.00hrs. 5 at 10.10hrs. 52 at 10.38hrs.  2 at 11.00hrs and 5 at 11.35hrs
364 Pink-footed Goose (80 NW,  84 W,  80 NW and 50 E + 70 W)
Going north: Red Kite - 1 at 09.20hrs.  1 at 09.40hrs. 1 drifting slowly at 10.45hrs. 
Going west: Fieldfare 1310.  Redwing 490.   Starling 570.  Goosander 1.
Going south: Meadow Pipit 1.   Siskin 1.
Anglers CP: A Black-tailed Godwit flew over WNW at 09.35hrs.
Wintersett Res: Goldeneye 5 + 1 ACP.  Chiffchaff 1 near the boathouse.

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