Thursday 21 November 2019

Wintersett 21.11.19

3 - 5 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a cold south easterly breeze.
Old Royston Flash: A Short-eared Owl was seen at 07.30hrs.
Anglers CP VisMig :  280 Pink-footed Geese flew west early morning.
Anglers CP: Teal 37.  Golden Plover 32 over.
Wintersett Res: Kingfisher 1.  A Cetti's Warbler on the north bank + 1 on south bank CHRes.+  1 male singing in the boathouse reeds.
Anglers CP Gull Roost: Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult. 
Of interest:  The Ring-necked Duck still present at Johnny Brown's Common South Kirkby 14.04hrs per @BirdGuides

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