Saturday 7 December 2019

Wintersett + Ringing + Gull Roost 07.12.19

8 - 11 degrees with 8/8 cloud and a light south westerly.   A quiet day.
Anglers CP: 5 small flocks of Redwing moving SW - 165 in total.   32 Chaffinch were feeding in the Pol field. 
21 birds were ringed by @BeckyBailey101  at ACP this morning.  Redwing 18.  Treecreeper 1.  Bullfinch 1.  Blue Tit 1. 
Wintersett Res. Gull Roost per @StevieD131  Just one notable - a 1stW Yellow-legged Gull.  Herring Gull 800.

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