Sunday 12 January 2020

Wintersett + Gull Roost 12.01.20

5 - 8 degrees with rain until 10.15hrs, then sunny with varying cloud and a south westerly breeze.
Anglers CP: The drake Ring-necked Duck was a welcome visitor for the WeBS count today.  It moved over to Wintersett Reservoir and was off the north bank by10.30hrs.  Snipe 1  Shoveler 5   Pochard 123.   A Barn Owl was seen at dusk.
Wintersett Res: A male Cetti's Warbler was in the boathouse reeds.
Cold Hiendley Res: Goldcrest 1.
Wintersett and Anglers CP Gull Roosts were counted tonight:  Herring Gull 3450.   Great Black backed Gull 665.  Lesser Black backed Gull 9.  Just 2 notables tonight  1 x 1stW Caspian Gull at 16.30hrs.  and 1 x 1st W Mediterranean Gull at 16.20hrs both on Wintersett Reservoir. 

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