Saturday 18 January 2020

Wintersett + Gull Roost 17.01.20

4 - 6  degrees with 8/8 cloud and a cool westerly wind.
Anglers CP: A Water Rail was at the Pol feeding station + 1 in west bank marshnWRes..    Shelduck 1 and then same bird seen on WRes.
Cold Hiendley SF: Pied Wagtail 35
Wintersett Res:  Cetti's Warbler 1 male in boathouse reeds.  Kingfisher 1.
Haw Park Wood: A Raven flew over calling in the afternoon.  per Alex Aylward

Raven  over Haw Park Wood               Alex Aylward
Wintersett Res. Gull Roost: per @StevieD131  The Roost was blighted by a female Sparrowhawk spooking gulls and flushing most of them to Anglers Country Park.  We did find this presumed juvenile Viking Gull which is probably as close to a Glaucous Gull as we will get this winter. 
@DLangstonBirder commented.  A Viking would be a hybrid Glaucous x Herring. Have had a few comments on the bird, about what it could be, but probably just a pale argentatus.

     Viking Gull                         Wintersett Res      SDenny

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