Monday 6 April 2020

Wintersett 06.04.20

8 - 11 degrees with 0/8 but increasing cloud and a light westerly.
Wintersett Village:  2 Swallows on telegraph wires + 2 ACP. 
Anglers CP: Teal 1 m + f.  + 1f  Botany Bay + 1m and 1f Wintersett Res..  Wigeon 3m + 1f.  Snipe 2.  Common Gull 1 1st W.  Redwing 7.  Gadwall 12 + 3 WRes. + 5 CHRes..  Mute Swan 7 + 2 WRes. + 4 CHRes.. A Curlew flew north.  Fieldfare 22 + 15 Walton Hall.
Wintersett Res: Redwing 3 at boathouse + 1 Disposal Point. The first brood of 8 very small Mallard.  Long-tailed Duck 1f. 
Cold Hiendley Res: Pochard 5m + 2f.    Hybrid Tufted Duck X Pochard 1m..
Haw Park Wood: Treecreeper 1.
Walton Hall: Sand Martin 7.
Lepidoptera:  A Small White Butterfly  was in the Willow Wood WRes..
Reptilia:  A 12 inch/30 cm Grass Snake was by the boathouse bench.

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