Friday 8 May 2020

08/05/2020 - Wharncliffe Area

I spent the morning trying to find as many Wood Warblers as possible in Wharncliffe Wood. After thoroughly checking all the usual areas, and some new locations, I managed to find 3 (2 birds giving alarm calls, 1 singing), fewer than Id hoped for. Some good counts of other migrant species singing included:
  • 132 Willow Warbler
  • 61 Blackcap
  • 53 Chiffchaff
Five Tree Pipit and 3 Cuckoo were heard singing, and a couple of Crossbills flew over to the south of the wood, the latter being my first local records for a few months.

Two Pied Flycatchers were recorded singing at Wharncliffe Heath NR.

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