Wednesday 27 May 2020

27/5/20 Midhope Res to Langsett Res

I spent 2 hours checking the area between Midhope Res and Langsett Res from 6.30am on a fine summers morning.

A female Common Scoter was a surprise find on Midhope Res looking very settled. Also at least 2 Little Grebe adults called and 4 Oystercatcher flew over calling.

A Spotted Flycatcher sang and gave good views and warblers were singing strongly with numerous Willow Warblers and several Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Garden Warbler. Siskin called numbering around 5 and 2 Goldcrest sang.

On Low Moor, a Curlew alarmed and 3 Snipe were displaying. Several Lapwing were around.

Onto Langsett and another Spotted Flycatcher was singing, as was a Pied Flycatcher although it was typically elusive to see. A female Sparrowhawk flew over the filter beds causing an Oystercatcher pair to alarm for an extending period. 2 Common Sandpiper were here too plus another on the main res. 2 Swift screamed overhead and several Swallow were around.

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