Tuesday 19 May 2020

A Wintersett Surprise 18.05.2020

At around 09.00 hours on 18th May 2020, Francis Hickenbottom was walking by the ruin area on the north bank of Cold Hiendley Reservoir when he heard a loud, unusual bird song.  He quickly recorded it and made his way back to Anglers car park where he played it to Pete Smith who confirmed it was a NIGHTINGALE!!
Birders on site dashed down, but were disappointed to find the bird had stopped singing. Other Wintersett birders were alerted and long, long watches followed for the rest of the day and continued long after dark, and again from dawn on 19.05.2020.  Sadly, no further song was heard, and a sound recorder, left on overnight, also failed to record any song. The bird was presumed to have departed at dusk.
The last recorded Nightingale in the area was a first year bird trapped and ringed at Wintersett Res. on 11.08.1979.
Prior to that were a  pair of singing Nightingales in Haw Park in 1873 that failed due to ‘foul play’.  Two males were heard singing in Haw Park on 11th and 16th May 1874.
It could be a very long wait for the next one! 

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