Saturday 2 May 2020

Carlton Marsh

The Great White Egret was present from 07.30hrs on the main scrape. A Kingfisher was also present.
The wader scrape had c200 Herring and 10 LBB Gulls and a Redshank. (Jim Plant)

This afternoon the GW Egret was feeding at the back out of sight for while, but was showing well when I left at 16.10hrs. Also of note 2 LRP, Grey Wagtail and Little Egret on the wader scrape. A Garden Warbler and a Grasshopper Warbler were singing and 2 Swifts flew north.
A Small Heath butterfly was the second earliest on record, a day later than the previous record of 1/5/2011). (CG)

South Kirkby reclamation
Singing Reed Warbler and Whitethroat. 
Butterflies included 6 Small Heaths, 13 Dingy Skippers, 1m 2f Brimstones, and 37m Orange-tips. Moths on the go were Mother Shipton, Common Carpet, Small Yellow Underwing and a Large Red Damselfly. (Chris Parkin)

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