Tuesday 5 May 2020

Carlton Marsh

A female Wheatear was on a nearby pasture at 07.00hrs (K. Bannister) A Grasshopper Warbler was reeling and the Great White Egret was back and showed well most of the day at both scrapes. (Jim Plant)
This afternoon I had a walk round with Stu Green keeping our distance of course. On the wader scrape 1 Lapwing, 159 Herring and 9 LBB Gulls and Little Egret.
Elsewhere A Kingisher was on the main scrape and 17 Swifts and 10 House Martins came in, the Swifts soon left north.

Butterfly counts from Chris Parkin included 4 Small Coppers, 5 Dingy Skippers, 5 Large White, 4 GV White, and 17 Orange-tips 7 of which were females.

A Redshank was on the wader scrape this evening and the Great White was still around. (Dave Standish)
GW Egret (CG)
Cudworth Common
Green Woodpecker, Redshank, Dabchick singing, 20 Swifts, 2 House Martins, 2 Buzzards and 2 Stock Doves. Ringed Plover and a Brown Hare in the symphony compound. (Les Corrall)

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